Cubist Portrait
by Charles IV
It is a sort of blurry, kind of blue but it does have bits of red in it, there seems to be a sort of pattern emerging from the middle of it. It might be a tea, maybe a flower maybe a squirt of ink shaped to give cubes.
There is another one.
One of that sort that needs a title by its side.
It is on canvas put in frame of monumental thickness. It wants to be seen but when you look at it from a distance, it provides only sort of inconsistent blur and on a closer approach, it is like seeing an image assembled from puzzle pieces that don’t belong to the same set.
It is a portrait in which there is a man with face resembling a misshaped box wearing a shirt and a blazer over it. But the title implies the portrait being actually a portrait of a woman, a woman having one large eye, out of a pair, and a cone in place of her right ear.
She has her mouth full of whatever, let’s say words, and she wants to spit them out.
[1] Cubists